Firework tips for those who like it LOUD


For some people, a firework isn’t a firework unless it is really, really LOUD. There is something really exciting in watching a rocket make its way into the sky, knowing that there is going to be a really satisfying explosion of sound, light and colour at the end of it. If there isn’t, it can be a bit of a disappointing anti-climax.

If you like your fireworks to really make a racket, you’re lucky – there are plenty of products available to satisfy your need for super-impressive sonics. There are also a few tips to be aware of when planning a loud fireworks display, both to make your display a success and to please those who aren’t such fans of noisy pyrotechnics.

Fireworks to choose

The best fireworks displays are those that have variety – too much of the same effect or the same noises can quickly become boring. With this in mind, a combination of different noise effects might be the right tactic to take. For example, you can use thunder rockets with whistling comets, crackling cake fireworks with frenzied Saturn missiles. These produce a range of sound effects from bangs and booms to crackles, whistles and other ‘reports’ – to keep your display varied and exciting.

Factor in some quiet time

If your display is relentless on the ear drums from start to finish, it can be a little overwhelming and not actually as impressive as you like. What you can do is to build some ‘quiet time’ into your display, choosing fireworks that are a little quieter or with more focus on visual effects. This will make your display more varied and professional, and the contrast also gives your loud fireworks more impact.

Pleasing your audience

It’s important to remember that not everyone likes really loud fireworks, so you must warn your audience of what to expect before the display starts. You might also want to make ear protectors available, for small children and those who aren’t overly fond of loud noises.

As we mentioned previously, it can be a good idea to give your display more balance by including more visually (rather than sonically) impressive fireworks and building both loud and quiet sections into your display. This makes it more likely that the majority of the audience will like the display, although it’s very hard to please everyone all the time!

Remember your neighbours, and their poor pets!

To ensure your loud fireworks don’t upset anyone, make sure you hold your display between local authority approved hours (usually between 7am and 11pm). You could also provide local residents with advanced notice – apologising in advance for any inconvenience can go a long way to appeasing residents and limiting complaints. You should provide specific times for your display and make special mention of pets when talking to residents, as animals can get quite upset during loud fireworks displays, so their owners can do something to prepare.