Hannover International Firework Competition – Did the hard work pay off!
With 1.25 tones of fireworks, and a crew of 16 eager-to-play pyro-enthusiasts, we finally arrived at the Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen, Hannover, Germany.
We couldn’t of asked for a better weekend, the weather was perfect making it the ideal backdrop for our display later that day, and without us knowing we had arrived on ‘British Week’. Things were definitely working in our favor!
Putting on a firework display is exciting at the best of times…but lighting a display of this size, to a sell out crowd in Hannover takes some beating.
The ‘pyromusical’ display fired pretty much perfectly and couldn’t have worked any better with the fantastic soundtrack created by our music producer, Serena Foyle. The setting was even better than we’d anticipated, and the crowd rewarded us with a rapturous applause at the end.
We think we did ok!
The only thing that was missing was Prince Andrew! He was due to visit later that week. You’d of thought he could have pulled a few strings and made it along to support. Maybe next time!
So how did we get on? Well the results wont be in just yet, there’s a few more teams yet to compete through the rest of the summer. But we’ll let you know as soon as we hear.
In the meantime, if you were wondering what the show was like, why not take a look and let us know your thoughts.